Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dear Darell,

In response to...

Umm ok. You were not in the car, and no one has said anything about her hitting him, so why would you say that she definitely hit him?Sorry but it makes you sound uneducated to jump to such conclusions. AND even if she DID hit him, does that mean he should f her up the way he did?I swear black women are the worst.

Hi Darell...

Thank you for coming by to NABCAS and saying... nothing. I've made it quite clear that I wasn't in the car and I am expressing my opinion based solely on circumstantial evidence provided by the only two people in the vehicle. Neither you or I was in the car to know what happened that night, however, we are both entitled to have opinions. My OPINION is just that- my opinion. You don't have to like it, agree with or accept it. As a matter of fact, you shouldn't have even let it get you so upset that you had to comment twice on my blog.

Now, lets talk about you Mr. (?) Darell. Why are you mad? Why are you assuming that I'm black? Why are you posing as someone that doesn't read my blog when it's obvious that my update is in your blog timeline or you follow me on Twitter? One thing I can not stand is a person that says I "sound" uneducated because I do not agree with the norm or what media dictates I should agree with. I sound uneducated because I stated that they fought? Excuse me- but did Chris Brown not have marks on his body? Oh, OK. Was that not what was reported in the deposition and police report to mitigate his charges to misdemeanor? Oh, OK.

Furthermore, I am so sorry that you misinterpreted what I said in my blog. To clarify- the point of my post was to show that Rihanna is an opportunist who is taking advantage of the media. Again, I don't think he should've hit her. He was wrong. However, it doesn't make it right for Rihanna to take advantage of America's desire to victimize her. Maybe it's a coincidence? If you don't agree, then so what?

Just saw that you bought my child-rearing in to the conversation.. *sigh* My son knows that it's not OK to hit anybody. He knows to walk away but, unfortunately, if someone hits or abuses him first, the morals that I instilled in him may not outweigh his normal reaction to someone causing bodily damage to him. How about leaving my son out of this? mmmkay? Thanks.

Usually, I would end this with a "suck a dick and be happy" but... never mind, I don't want to sound uneducated. Now, come and give me a hug--- I don't like when people get their blog pressure all up.

P.S. Your comment had many grammatical errors and I'm willing to bet my left tit that you're a black woman... now, that's ironic. *Pelvis thrust*


Ms. Jones said...

iDied @ *the pelvic thrust* at the end! LMAO

SinfulLyo said...

roflmfao. i'm sooo done with you right now! khaki's a beeeast :]

Damaris Herron-Watkins said...


Robyn Latice said...

lol, wonderful response! You sound so educated! :)

khaki la'docker said...

*pelvis thrust and peace sign*

PeculiarRoyalty said...

i'm rendered speechless lol this was classic....pelvis thrust...i'm cracking up over here at my desk luv it!

NightFall914 said...


NightFall914 said...

Pelvic Thrusts for everyone!!!!!

sunshinestar110 said...

Sorry? Darrell....better luck next time

godamongus said...

God bless you! I think you'll enjoy reading my latest topic, check it out.

Freckles said...

OMG!!! SHUT THE FRONT DOOR YOUNG LADY!!! Prove your point and speak your mind.


VonDign said...

ether!!!! lol
get em khaki

Krissy said...

loves it! lol I saw the interview as well and came away with the same conclusion, that rihanna used the media for personal gain. she has a new album coming out people. that's what its about because if it wasn't she would have spoke on what happened before now.

P.S don't call out my erros Khaki! It's hard to type with A BABY hanging from ur shoulder lol

B Harg. said...


khaki la'docker said...

@ Krissy- congrats on the baby. I was wondering where you were.

tierrarreit said...

"P.S. Your comment had many grammatical errors and I'm willing to bet my left tit that you're a black woman... now, that's ironic. *Pelvis thrust*"



tierrarreit said...

GOTTA LOVE KHAKI! This was the Serve of the Year!

☆Reese✮ said...

*covers face* You didn't have to do 'em like that Miss Khaki girl! Damn, plllllease tell me you snapped twice and popped your neck a few know.."BLACK girl shit".

get em!

Beauty in Rare Form said...

Yeah, Ms. Khaki. You clowned the impersonator quite well. I don't think s/he will have a comeback or even come back and I'm sure that would suit everyone just fine. That's the kind of "shut the f**k" up that will make a person feel stupid - even if they are working under an alias LMFAO!!!

Group Hug!!!

simone_dior said...

Woooolawdymissclawdy! *wipes brow* get it miss khaki. Thank you for letting ppl know that just because your thought/opinions don't conform to the "norm" doesn't make you uneducated.also, why is it that whenever a black woman voices her opinion so many men (not all) get mad and say that we're ignorant?? Such bullshit.
*done died*@ pevic thrust. Love it!

Piph said...

lls, this made my day

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