Edit: 12/10.. this is the original post that I drafted but didn't post due to it being so long. Once I saw that my blog was being perceived differently than what I intended, I decided to just include the original blog. PS- Stacie Ann, I think I cleaned it up a little. What you think? ;)
Nicki Minaj... *sigh*

Internet and radio stations have been buzzing about a new female rapper from NY making a name for herself with Young Money. Nicki Minaj- known for calling herself a Barbie doll and emulating Lil Kim's infamous crotch exposed pose- can be heard on a few radio hits such as Five Star Chick and I Get Crazy. I've heard a few of her mixtape singles and I've been reading a lot about her lately but, in all honesty, I'm not feeling it or her. The beat is dope on I Get Crazy but pair that with her high-pitched cartoon-esque voice that would even make a child nauseous and there is little left to be desired.

Lyrically, I'm not impressed. Take away the beat and really listen to the words, you are almost instantly dumbed down and may be missing a few brain cells from her excessive use of remedial analogies. Still I Rise from one of her last mixtapes goes in on everyone that makes assumptions about her race and sexual orientation and compares her to Lil Kim yet, ironically, reminds me of the Lil Kim's Shut Up off of The Naked Truth album. As a matter of fact, a lot of the things she does remind me of Lil Kim (black Lil Kim and light Lil Kim) but this isn't about jacking swag, talent (or lack thereof), or music of Nicki Minaj but of the image that she is now presenting to mainstream audiences.
Nicki started out the epitome of what a lot of young urban girls in New York are. She had that "bout to go get a lollipop and 25cent juice from the bodega" look when she was grinding to get signed. Slowly but surely, she mutated herself into what Lil Kim was attempting to be with the extreme makeovers and, while it's actually working out for Nicki, I'm not sure if it's for the best. Most shunned Lil Kim when she went from her wide-nosed, dark hair, thick in the hips image to a blond-weaved, blue eyed, lighter version of her old self. With Nicki Minaj, women and young girls alike are actually embracing her new image. You see grown ass women walking around with blue and pink hair and bright ass eyeshadow calling themselves Barbies and 5 star chicks because Minaj is doing it. I cant even count how many times I have heard some hoodrat chick say "I just had an epiphany... I need to go to Tiffany's". Sad but true.

I see pictures of the old Minaj and the new one and I question "Who is the real Nicki?". Was this Nicki created to be marketed towards younger girls or was this a poor attempt to establish female presence in the rap game? Will calling yourself a Barbie, being sexually explicit and rocking leather corsets really make me want to listen to you? Nope- but, unfortunately, to some misguided little girl that could be the case and that's just sad.
Nicki started out with the imagery that a lot of young girls that aspire to be rappers could actually look up to. While her lyrics were still a bit raunchy and inappropriate for the younger generation, they were at least good enough to get her a record deal. So, why change? Is it ever okay to make your fans think that you can not compete in a male dominated industry unless you give crotch shots, call yourself a Barbie, and auto tune yourself out to the point that you to sound like a trannified version of Lil Wayne? At one time, Nicki represented female empowerment in a world that only men were allowed into. Now, with the help of Lil Wayne and Young Money, she has morphed into the classic and overly sexual "hoodrat" bitch amongst a group of male rappers. When I look at her, I don't see an original rapper. I see a clusterfuck of female stereotypes that were started a long time ago when "No Time" came out.
Sorry, Nicki, we don't need another Lil Kim or Foxy. We don't need another female rapper exposing young girls to the fantasy bullshit of Barbies with blond wigs and surgically enhanced asses. Yes, you got your record deal and people are now talking. Your new image- while a cheap imitation of what we've seen for years- is ingenious. You took something that has been done before and got folks to see you as an "original". However, how much was it worth? The female empowerment and legacy that the original female rappers Roxanne Shante, Queen Latifah, Salt N Pepa, Mc Lyte worked so hard for? Ok, I guess.
To be fair, I'll let her come out with an album before I dedicate a "Why are you breathing?" post to her.(shout out to Don for resurrecting that post)
I remember hearing the song she had out (some song remixed with lil vicious) and i remember liking the song....becuase it had that lil vicious sample in it. I'm already boting Hell naw to this heiffer. I'm from NY and i don't get it. i can't even take her seriously long enough to even judge her lyrics. Barbie? what grown azz woman really wants to be called a barbie? what's worse, at the bus stop, I hear these kids (o God i'm old) talking about dying their pink and all i can think is this generation is loss.
I was actually going to do a post called death of teh female lyricist.
I like what she stands for, a female presence in the rap game...
Like many who sign with Young Money, her shit got lam once she got a lil bit of fame.
She had tracks before her beam me up scotty mix tape, and she has talent (she can spit/sing)
but fuckin with wayne now she's auto tuned- out, she's sounding more n more like him.
Its pathetic...
(Devil's advocate time) No body can knock her cuz shes doing what wayne's doing... NOT EVERYTHING WAYNE SPITS IS HOT!!!! but people act like it is, i feel my iq drop everytime I really listen to him, so now I just bop to the music.
As far as these women out here calling them selves barbies (BARBIES = Bum Ass Replica Bitches Imitating Everyone's Swag) that's their fault, can'tr blame Ms Minaj...
great post lol
Mattel needs to sue her ass! The closest she comes to Barbie is the same fake ass, false image she presents to young girls, just as Barbie does. Other than that, BITCH PLEASE!
Every time I see a chick wearing lycra, risky business sunglasses, and bright make up, I wanna grab her by her Minaj-esque hair-do and shake the shit out of her! Do you even know where your local Tiffany & Co. is located?! give me a break!
It seems the more mainstream she's getting the more other females are noticing the b.s. I remember her older material so I've seen the transformation.
Much like Drake we'll see if the debut album lives up to the hype.
Thank yOu Lord Thank you Lord for this post i mean like 4real when all the hype came out i was like who is this chick and then my friend came to work kept saying 5star chick this and that and quoting her rhymes for truth so i investigated and clearly nicki minaj is not the truth and nowhere near being a female rap legend! Her rhymes is mediocre at best her image is cute but its like over dress up im not feeling her!!!! loved this post!
hey hey hey. well written, my love. i agree 100% lost black girls need some flashy industry made chick to tell them who they are or who they should be. its been like this for years. we don't see Oprah or Michelle Obama as inspirations and women to look up to. Noooo we wanna be like "Nicki Minaj."
love this post. u should send it out to a magazine or something. spruce it up a bit. :) i loveeee it. love it.
smh. i can't even write everything i want to but long story short: people need to get their ish together. there's nothing wrong with enjoying an artist but these chicks out here are idolizing her! they think they're barbies. blank stare. blank stare. blank stare. the only thing these broads can afford from tiffany's is that tired ass "return to tiffany's" bracelet. stfu and read a book!
ok, one miss nicki minaj is mad old cause she been underground for the longest, so "i get crazy" is old as dust to me, but yeah i see her as a wanna be lil kim with a lil bit of lil wayne in her (thats why the lyrics suck), i like her kinda sorta, the only song i really like by her is still i rise (thats y i have her pic on my blog)but alot of people arent feelin her and if she drops an album im not sure how her record sells are gonna be but alot of young girls like her, i'll stick to the real female mc's like mc lyte and of course my boo jay-z (hov!) lol
I like nicki minaj personality when she on interveiws she just seem like she having fun with it and aint taking herself too serious,but she need to go back to rapping like she was when she first hopped off the stoop 'cause trina killed her in that 5star remix,shit she even let gucci get out on her with the lyrics Lls,I think she just need to know when its time to play and time to get serious thats all she got skills she just play too much Lls.
I must agree. I'm not feelin the chick. But the sad thing is, in the rap game, women don't make it far unless they present themselves like she is. A woman can't be hardcore and not talk about sex if she wants to last long. It's pretty sad but that's the nature of the game. Women have to get with it or get lost according to the labels
either way, it's MAGAZINE WORTHYYYY.
Agreed...100%. Definitly think her lyrics are as basic bitch as they get. I've heard older songs as well. She was better then..not the shit, but better! Now...smh, now..she should just quit while she is ahead. But then again she making money off of these wanabe barbie bitches...so I guess gone head let her do her thing. Smh!
I agree with ya 100%...My 16 and 13 year olds listen to her and repeat her lyrics and it makes my skin crawl....
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