Tuesday, March 2, 2010

ETA: Pubes, Poop, Pu$$y and other things that dont begin with P

I've been reading a lot of male-ran blogs lately (shout out to Rock, NC17 , YEBM and Nightfall) and their commentary regarding women have given me a lot of insight on what the opposite sex feels about women. From Rock's phobia of "portly" black women to YEBM's bitter feelings about women and Valentines Day*, I have discovered that men have  totally different perspectives from us.

So, I have a few questions for men and I want to know the opinions of my female readers.

Question #1

Amber Rose or Reggie Bush?:

The rest of this post was moved to ALL THE SHIT I WANT PRIVATE  blog


Krissy said...

I didn't expect to be the 1st to comment but I guess I am lmao

anyways. . .

#1. I shave mine. It's a personal perference. My dude doesn't care one way or another, he's still gonna snack on my treats.

#2. If I gotta go, I just go. We just don't discuss it. I'll come back in the room like nothing happened. It's natural. *shrug*

#3. what a man and a woman decide to do upon a first meeting is truly between them. I've never had sex on a 1st date but I'm not opposed to it if that's what I feel like doing. I'm grown and SAFE lol. But to each his/her own when it comes to that. I know people who have had sex on the 1st date and ended up married. I don't think it's really a big deal. If the connection is just that strong, do you. Just don't do everybody else too.

Hazey said...

1) You should shave regularly. not everyday or even week or every time we have sex. I personally would feel better knowing you will shave sometimes. I say that because eating a bush aint fun all the time.

2)I've never really cared as long as she aint blunt with it all day EVERYDAY. Moderation is the key here in both 1 and 2

3)It depends on the girls history I say, and how the date goes. If I don't feel any chemistry then I probably shouldnt let it go that far. But I agree with krissy it depends on the two people

Splenda said...

1. i refuse to shave, ingrown hairs are not sexy neither is a bush.i prefer scissors.

2. i havent ever.

3. if i want to i will, why not?

Bri said...

Whats your coochie looking like?

I personally don't like hair anywhere on me but my head....ontop my shoulders. Me and my wax lady got a tight bond trust me! No I don't 'lax in the winter months or just because Im depressed its a necessity like brushing teeth am bishes kill me with lack of hygiene and an excuse...miss me!
And he prefers little to none....says she's beautiful - lol

Girls, whats your poop routine when with a guy?
I do what my body says....not without tact but tactfully we are grown everyone knows the human body....da hell I'm suppose to do eat a brick of cheddar and pray for constipation just cause I got a date?

Do you hold it or just let it go?

It has to come out thats what the poop hole is for....

do you think it's OK to do the do on the first night? I'm grown and I do what grown ppl do...stay out my business and I will stay out of yours....yes you be about yours...I have done it and have a feeling it will be done again...I am only human, but Im also educated so don't get it twisted not luci goosey here but will do what I do....

What do you think of women that do?
I don't have to speak to Paul at the gate and don't have to look back at you in the mirror....what does she think of herself?

Kingsmomma said...

question #1 I guess I've got teh Rihanna....short on the sides and long in the middle. I too hate the little girl kumkwat. I figure I bleed therefore i got hair.

#2 I have posted so many things about pooping and farting and the such. I say its true love if you sit under the dutch over with me. (i kid...kinda)

#3 I'm not about to get down on the first date. or second but that's just me... I also haven't met will smith yet :) to each thier own. but if a woman makes that a habit, i hope she's doing kegals.

khaki la'docker said...

@Krissy- Whoop whoop for being #1! LOL

@ Kingsmomm- i dont usually comment on my own shit but uhm... for real??? a Rihanna??? LMAO...

20.00 for the person that tells me they have a mullet - Business in the front, Party in the back.

Pubes are funny.

*stacie-ann said...

i keep it BALD when my man is in town. but when he's gone...or gonna b gone for a while---i let it grow out. who am i tryna impress? if i don't have a man, oh yeah...that noochie is Reggie Bush'n it all day.

i sit in the bathroom while anthony takes a shit, and he'll do the same sometimes....i dunno. i'm jus really open like that. then again, i walk around my house ass naked when i live at home wit my momma and brothers. =/ -shrugs-

&& fuckin on the first date. is a definite NO. hell NO. i never fucked the first date, but the first week, nope. 2nd? Not even then...I have to get to know dude for atleast a month. AT LEAST.

but thats jus me.

Anonymous said...

I’m such a prude Khaki, but I have to answer these questions!

#1. Low cut ceaser with the deep waves...

#2 My normal routine is @ shower time, so that just happens to be convenient. But I’ve always had bad stomach issues, so if it’s time, it’s time.

#3 I’m grown; I’ma do what I want. But seeing as I don’t date much to begin with, it’s not like I’ve had many opportunities.

NC17 said...

not only do i love this blog, but i'm loving the comment answers. interesting...

Kingsmomma said...

LMAO @ low cut ceaser with deep waves.. got those 360's on the cooch.

SinfulLyo said...

my kitty kat?!?! she's actually growing out from a recent shave [no wang since september, a bitch finally gave up hope]. but all and all i'm with epiphany if my kitty gets too crazy i trim her with scissors. i keep shaving to a minimum because we are prone to ingrown hairs and my vag is NOT going to be looking like a TEND SKIN ad!

before i was on that shy shit but my crohn's can't be put on hold for any man. i *let it loose* wale style :-P

i try not to pass judgment on people's sex lives but in my opinion the first night is too soon. i would prefer to really get to know a man before i give him the panties :/ but to each his own!

NightFall914 said...

Questions. I love questions....

Ok Ummmmmm

#1 Bald is required.Hell it aint even a reference for me. A low trim is cool too. It's more an issue of do you take care of yourself cuz if I encounter the un managed rain forests of Brazil down there its a problem.

#2 I understand that were all human so if I've been in a relationship long enuff then I'm not going to go crazy when it happens once in a while cuz as a guy I dont go farted and taking shits all over the place either.
I will say that in my life I've yet to have a female fart in my presence sooooooooo who knows.

#3 Hitting on the first date? Truthfully its possible that its just something that happened due a "strong connection" BUT if it were to happen with me I'd have a hard time taking a female serious in regards to a serious relationship. Guess I'm old school in that way.

Just Another Black Man Out Here Trying Not To Be A Statistic said...

1. Personally I love to eat pussy, but I will not eat not hairy ass pussy. I don't wanna have to be choking on hairballs, lintballs and random bebe shots if your shit isn't naturally curly we're going to go with bald or very very low. I mean I even have the decency to thin the forest in the area of my balls and dick...not sexy to have a thick overstory

2. I did fart one night when me and this girl were getting it on, but I couldn't hold it in. I mean my stomach was jumping through hoola-hoops. I thought one of those lil aliens from the movies was about to jump out of my stomach, so something had to give. but i remember in one of my romantic encounters I tried to be all good by taking shits when she wasn't around, but that got to be uncomfortable so after a while, I was like fuck it, I gotta take a shit...excuse me!!!!

3. Smashing on the first night is not always bad, but if you do smash on the first night you need to analyze the situation. I was in college for the last 4.5 years, so I remember niggaz knew who was gone let'em smash on the first night, but shit happens. I'm weary of girls I smash instantly or for the first week in that matter. I've had a few females I smashed off the bat and I never did pursue anything with them though. I guess it plays into the situation.....

and khaki...bitterness came with, but i'm still a good guy at heart, but i'm letting the good guy have a vacation for about a year...gone let the heartless nigga back in charge for a while...shit seemed to work better for me

Milla Bloggabitch said...

ha that's hilarious, i checked back to this blog for the first time in ages and I JUST posted on shaving (, for miss i-hate-ingrown-hairs above, I found out how to avoid 'em (it's what my post's about)

loving your work by the way!

Rock said...

Oh man. I' still not over "Low Cut ceasar with the deep waves." I just picture her singing that with the cadence and bea from Gucci Mane's Lemonade. Hope shes fine.

I digress....

#1: Reggie Bushes are for Kim Kardasian skinned toned people who want to feel they're getting the ethnic and authentic African experience. Keep a nice Chris brown (low cut) , and we'll be sure to treat that na-na like Rihana aka beat it up.

-Show "I like you better on top" Rock.

Gia said...

1. it's all waxed up. usually , when i know im not shooting for a long time , i might just cut it down with scissors. never shaving , itching down there ? no bueno .

2. idgaf, i TRULY don't. girls shit, girls fart. i mean i've pissed myself when i've been drunk so shitting is no problem for me. c'mon girl, you KNOW i don't care.

3.personally fucking on the first date is a big NO NO. you barely even know dude, you don't know what he's bringing to the table and don't be surprised if he doesn't call the next day . mhm!

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