Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Big Piece of Chicken

I love that I'm almost 100% independent. I say almost because there are just some things that I need a man for. :ahem: I love that if I want something, I can pull out a credit card, cash or wait til next pay to get it without worrying about it. However, even though I enjoy my independence, I also want to feel like a woman.

I lived in a household where my father would not let his wife's hands get dirty. If something was needed late night, he would get it because he didn't want his wife out that late at night. He rarely argued with my mother but he knew when to put his foot down. In return, he was always promised the big piece of chicken at dinner and no one dared to eat that man's big piece of chicken.

What my parents had that a lot of people don't have now was the definition of man and woman. It seems that the modern woman got so caught up in what they didnt need a man for that they forgot that sometimes it takes a meaningful relationship to feel complete. While both of my parents worked and my mother was quite independent financially, she still knew how to let my father be the man of the house. My father knew that he couldn't win an argument with my mom and we all knew when he lost because the next day a bouquet of flowers would be on the mantle. If mom was wrong, which was very rare, there would be a huge slice of German Chocolate cake sitting next to his dinner plate.

I've determined that I want to be both independent and have a man to do those gentlemanly things for me. I want someone to make me feel like I do not have a care in the world. I want someone to open my doors. I don't mind paying for dinner but I don't want to drive both of us to the restaurant. I don't mind bringing home the chicken and frying it up but I want him to take the bags out the car for me.

Damn, is that too much to ask?


NightFall914 said...

Nope, that's not too much to ask. It's a pretty basic request. :)

JStar said...

Not too much to ask for at all! Thats how things are supposed to be...I cant wait until I have this one day myself :)

Anonymous said...

i agree. alot of us women are QUICK to say that we DONT NEED A MAN. true but one is still nice.
i can appreciate this post.

Krissy said...

It's really not and those are the things you should expect from a partner anyway

simone_dior said...

*in my New Orleans accent* Baby...
your parents definitely had something rare. It sounds like your father knew HOW to be a man. That's the damn problem today. A lot of these "men" don't know how to be a real man. Then we're forced to do it all for ourselves. THEN they turn around and call us all kinds of bitches because we take charge. Many of us aren't given a choice.
Loved this. You always bring the REAL.I hope you find such a man. I tell you this hot shit...that type of man sho nuff aint in Jamaica!! Clawdhammercy!

sunshinestar110 said...

Amen!!! my parentshave that same relationship and long for that too in the future. My mother always made my father feel a man and my father was the same way. To me thats what true love and great relationship is built on!!!

E's said...

Men love that femininity. You probably have to beat them off with a stick. Great post.

Lipglass and Handbags said...

It's not at all too much to ask. I found with my last dude that guys want us to make them feel like the man. They want us to want them to do those things. In relationships us women have the power to be like your mom; that is independent and pampered BY OUR MEN!!! You'll get it!

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